I now blog primarily on oscarvaldes.medium.com

Talk! Yet Aim Not To Wound. Thought is Your Friend. Embrace it. Own Your Emotions. Don’t Let Them Own You.

Racism is a false belief, born out of a desire to prematurely close the inquiry into what makes each of us human. At the root of such desire is fear – fear of knowing the other – which when unexamined leads to their devaluing, their mistreatment, their abuse and death.

No On a Two State Solution

Negotiations are under way to end the conflict in Gaza. But the conflict won’t end. It never does.Why should Israelis live under the constant threat that Palestinians will violate any agreement they make and attack them again?Since Israel’s independence in 1948 there have been many efforts to establish treaties calling for peaceful coexistence.Sometimes they have…

Still Hamas Does Not Surrender. Why Not?

Because they have innocent civilians in Gaza shielding them. Because they’re counting on world opinion restraining Israel’s determination to defeat them.Israel belongs in Palestine. So do the Arabs. But reckless leadership has kept the flames of enmity and violence alive in Arab hearts and minds for more than a hundred years.And the cost has been…

The Immigrant and America

In Europe, nations are paying countries in Africa to hold back immigrants. To not let them pass.And still they pass.Here in America they get through. Not all but a good number.But the newcomers are often seen as a source of distress.Trump said the other day that they were ‘polluting’ America’s blood.And yet, his current wife…

Grieving the Loss of White America

In an hour or two, the second Republican debate will take place.I won’t see it but will take a look at the highlights from it in the newspapers.I hear that Trump won’t show up. Again. Apparently he was planning to meet with auto industry strikers instead. Good luck.He’ll need it because he’s getting bad advice,…

Aging and Performance

Aging and Performance by Oscar Valdes 8/31/2023 Yesterday, Senator McConnell had another episode of going blank before the cameras as he answered questions from reporters. It’s happened in public at least once before.During the spell, his brain stops taking in information or putting it out.Surely he’s had expert medical attention already, undergone state of the…

What Happened to Russians?

What happened to all the literature they’ve written?What happened to all the great music they’ve composed?What happened to all the science they’ve produced?Does it all take a back seat to the whims of a murderous man like Putin?A man who, every morning, makes a choice as to the number of missiles he will shoot into…

The Nations Undecided in the War

Most are developing nations.And just as they are developing economically, they are developing their ability to take a moral stance.Put another way, they need more time to grow up. To mature.Notable examples are India and Turkiye (Turkey). Turkiye is even a member of NATO and yet they have not agreed to the sanctions imposed by…

Vladimir and Me

M – Do you take time to be alone?V – Sometimes. I’m a very busy man, with lots of things to do.M – It’s a good habit to get into.V – What’s your point?M – It centers us. Still, we can be alone and get so busy we’re not centered.V – What do you mean…

Does Putin Have an Achilles Heel?

Putin speaks. The world has not yet acknowledged how complete my domination has been.From here, in Moscow, I can choose to kill every day. The number I want killed is entirely up to me. I can say, let me fire a missile into this town… no, let me hit the other town… or better yet,…


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